Lala Jagat Narain D.A.V. Model School will always remain grateful to almighty and D.A.V. College Managing Committee for the achievements which the school is getting every year. The school is beating its own records of results and achievements of students in academics, co-curricular activities and sports. The number of students obtaining merit positions are increasing every year. Each and every child gets individual care in the campus of the school and good achievements are the result of individual care provided to the students in the school campus.
I congratulate Miss Shelly, for obtaining first position in the whole Jalandhar District in Non-Medical stream. I also congratulate Master Deepak Sharma for securing first position in the competition on 'Water conservation' at National Level and for receiving the award from The Hon 'ble President of India'. Our group song team secured first position, our Maths project got first position, our Rangoli team got first position, our Card Making team got first position, and our Giddha team got first position. There is the endless saga of achievements. I and my team are earnestly working hard to harness the energies of the students. New innovative techniques are used in the school to obtain desired results. I am thankful to D.A.V. College Management, Local Management for providing whole hearted cooperation.
I am thankful to all the members of the staff for working with commitment and devotion. Lala Jagat Narain D.A.V Model School has become a name to reckon with and the news of the meritorious achievements of the students would always reverberate in the whole of the city. Sky is the limit so in the coming years our complete team would strive more to make it a more better school.
Mrs. Anita Nanda